Faith Contenders' Alert

" Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." Jude 1:3 KJV

open book
open book

Introduction and background

Keeping abreast with international news especially relating to Christianity, I have been burdened with what Jesus’ church is facing. For example,

    1. Laws developed in many countries legalizing sins: homosexual laws which in many instances makes it illegal to speak against the practice is an example.

    2. Lax in interpreting the Word of God and redefining godliness. For example, transgender is growing in popularity against God's declaration that he made male and female.

    3. Low level of conformity to the church and the Word. The church no longer seems to be a force to reckon with in society so that persons have drifted away.

    4. Lack of grit to stand up for the teachings of the Bible. Most of us as Christians are silent and still in the middle of ungodliness. For example, many of us are silent as the lyrics of music continue to become rude and crude.

    5. legal pressure on Christians. Christians are being prosecuted and persecuted around the world. Open Doors, for example, publish an annual report identifying the most 50 dangerous countries for Christians to live.

The Challenge (click to continue reading)

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low angle view of cross with red garment

Faith Contenders' Alert

Learn what is happening worldwide about our most holy faith.

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low angle view of cross with red garment

At Faconal, we aim to provide information and resources to defend and support the Christian faith amidst the challenges it faces globally. Our mission is to equip believers with knowledge and understanding to confidently engage in apologetics.


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person holding white printer paper


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cross cutout decor