Faith Contenders' Alert

There are many denominational and non-denominational organizations that are shining the light of Jesus in this dark world, serving Christians in needs, and challenging the powers of ungodliness. However, there is the need for more voices, more hands, and more feet in this era of wanton ungodliness.

For there are many more persons who are running governments that are suppressing the mission of the Church. Social activists who are promoting anti-biblical practices and rights. Educators who are infiltrating our children and youths with teachings that are contrary to God’s Word. Christians who are caught up with worldliness and abandoning their faith, surrendering to the voices of the ungodly, and ignoring the plight of other Christians.

Therefore, Faith Contenders’ Alert (Faconal) joins the plethora of evangelicals to rally the cause of Christ.

Faith Contenders’ Alert (FaConAl) is a prophetic voice to the nations, an heraldic voice to the cities, and a didactic voice to the saints, a platform for the gospel of Jesus Christ, a newsstand for Christians, a banner for the Christian protesters, a weapon for the Christian soldiers, and a tool for the Christian defenders.

Faith is the belief in God’s revelation including salvation through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only Saviour of the world: He died paying for human sins by His blood, and conquered death by His own resurrection from the dead. Therefore, accepting Jesus Christ as personal Saviour and Lord is compulsory for all human beings who want to participate in God’s promises of the utopian future.

Contenders are Christians who heed Jude’s calling: “contend for the faith” (Jude 3). Those who realize the threats and dangers Christians are facing today; those who identify with the struggles of modern Christianity; and those who are willing to address the issues. Therefore, contenders in accordance with God’s mandate stand up, talk up, and live up for the cause of Christ.

Alert is developing greater awareness among Christians by providing meaningful information and practical opportunities to serve in Christ’s ministry.

Therefore, the goals of Faconal include:

1.informing Christians about what is happening worldwide with Christians,

2. generating dialogue on issues of Christian concern,

3. challenging religions, theologies, philosophies, ideologies, laws, and practices that are contrary to the Christian faith through dialogue,

4. stimulating Christians into appropriate actions in contending for the faith,

5. lobbying local, national, and international structures to protect, relieve, and embrace Christians in whatever form best for those institutions,

6. supporting Christians under pressure.

If you are concern that Christianity is under great pressure, if you are interested in engaging in defending the faith, if you are experiencing grave pressure because of your Christian faith, if you want to be knowledgeable about world Christianity, if you have a personal spiritual need to develop your life to witness more, if you have been burdened to do more for God, then you are at a site that can cater for those ifs.

gray and black street light
gray and black street light